
Text Board App

Display motivational quotes on your corporate digital signage to boost employee morale.


App Features

The Pickcel Text Board app is a simple, yet useful application. It can be used to display any kind of message in schools, offices, hospitals, or even churches.

App Features

The Pickcel Text Board app is a simple, yet useful application. It can be used to display any kind of message in schools, offices, hospitals, or even churches.

Accepts any RSS feed URL

Easy to add texts

The app has a simple interface. Users can add any text by typing it on the text box or pasting it. It’s that simple!


Customize the aesthetics

Customize the font, background color, and text alignment to make your text more appealing. You can also use custom Google fonts.


Supported in any layout

The Pickcel text board app can auto-fit the content in correct size & resolution on both horizontal & vertical displays. You can also show the text on the footer.


Preview option

Previewing the content before publishing it on digital signage will ensure that no error slips through your notice.

Same App, Different Looks!

Present the daily motivational quotes in multiple styles. Which one is your favorite?

Quotes app layout preview showing brackground with orange gradiant and quote text in white.
Quotes app layout preview showing brackground with blue gradiant and quote text in white.
Quotes app layout preview showing brackground with blue color and quote text in different font.

Ready to unlock the Text Board app for your digital signage?


Interesting Use Cases of the Text Board App

We have listed a few. The sky is the limit for you!


In Offices

Both public and corporate offices can display a range of messages such as messages from the HR, public notices, company updates & more.


In Educational Institutions

Schools & colleges can publish rules & guidelines for students, present short poems, or communicate messages from the Principal.

How to add the Text Board app on your digital signage?

step 1 digital signage software interface showing Twitter Plus App configuration window with multiple options
Step: 1

Configure the app from the app store

Insert your text, customize the aesthetics, preview, and add the app to your media.

step 2 digital signage software interface showing compositon window with Twitter app feed being displayed on the right
Step: 2

Create a composition

Show your text on the entire screen. Or create a multi-zone layout to display it along with other content.

step 3 digital signage software interface showing compositon window with Twitter Plus app feed
Step: 3

Publish the composition

Select the screens and hit publish.

Step-by-step tutorial of adding the Text Board app