

Display the Air Quality Index of your location on
digital signage

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digital signage air quality index app preview showing AQI value and other air quality parameters for Paris location

App Features

The outdoor Air Quality Index is a vital information that makes a great content for digital signage. This Pickcel AQI check app brings you real-time data from

App Features

The outdoor Air Quality Index is a vital information that makes a great content for digital signage. This Pickcel AQI check app brings you real-time data from

Pickcel's AQI App displays data from two location-based sensor groups IN and US that can be set while customizing the app.

Reliable sensor-based data

The AQI weather app sources the data from two location-based sensor groups, AQI-US & AQI-IN. Users can set their preferred data source while customizing the app.

Digital signage AQI app offers a detailed analysis of air quality parameters like levels of PM10, PM2.5, SO2 , NO2, CO2, etc.

Show granular-level details

The app offers a complete dissection on various air quality and weather parameters such as temperature, wind-speed, levels of PM10, PM2.5, SO2 , NO2, CO2 and Ozone.

Digital signage AQI weather app uses a photorealistic avatar to illustrate health risk levels such as Moderate, Poor, etc.

Show the health hazard risks

The AQI weather app highlights the health risk levels such as Moderate, Poor, Unhealthy Severe, or Hazardous. It also adds an expressive avatar for better impact.

digital signage AQI app displaying air quality measures from AQI sensor data for Dubai location.

Get the AQI data for any location

The app collects air quality measurements from millions of sensors spread across the globe. Users can set the preferred location (city or area name) to get precise results.

Digital signage AQI app layout preview showing app data fit into any layout and adjusts to screen size and orientation.

Auto-adjusting layouts

The Pickcel AQI weather app auto-fits the app content in any layout, from full-screen to footer size. Content dimensions adjust with the screen size and orientation.

Pickcel's digital signage software interface showing preview of  AQI app content for New Delhi location

Preview options

Previewing the app content allows you to make last-minute changes before publishing them on your digital signage.

Ready to unlock the best AQI app for your digital signage?

Don't wait anymore. Reach out to us to take things to the next level!


Interesting Use Cases for the AQI Weather App

We have listed a few. The sky is the limit for you!

Digital signage screen placed in Bangalore street showing AQI data from Pickcel digital sigange software

Alert People

Some cities of the world are extremely polluted. DOOH, public sector offices, airports and hospitals in such places can show the air quality index on digital screens to alert the public and prompt them to take necessary actions such as wearing masks, or abstaining from smoking.

Show live examples of air quality readings in various cities and encourage climate-conscious behaviour on digital screens,

Use the data in climate-awareness campaigns

Climate change is a global concern. Across the world, several summits, conferences and awareness campaigns are held. Large screens are the best platform to show live examples of air quality measurements in different cities and promote climate-conscious behavior.

How to add the Pickcel AQI weather app on your digital signage?

step 1 digital signage software interface showing AQI App configuration window with multiple options
Step: 1

Configure the app from the app store

Add app name, set transition speed, choose your news topic & customize the graphics

step 2 digital signage software interface showing compositon window with AQI app feed being displayed on the left
Step: 2

Create a composition

Show the air quality data on the entire screen. Or, create a multi-zone layout.

step 3 digital signage software interface showing compositon window with AQI app feed
Step: 3

Publish the composition

Select the screens and hit publish.

Step-by-step tutorial of adding the Pickcel AQI App

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We are open to all kinds of customization & integration with third-party applications.
